NexStream Interviews: Max

NexStream Technical Institute
4 min readFeb 16, 2021

Max is a 13 year old who is interested in ML, debate, and social studies. He runs a YouTube channel (Pilot Training Flight Simulator Bro’s) about the Roblox Pilot Simulator game and has more than 180,000 streams on his most popular video. Max’s interview reveals a lot of insider tips and tricks for those who are into gaming, YouTube, and machine learning.

Q: How do you balance your extracurriculars with academics and also running a YouTube channel?

A (Max): I think one of the biggest things I do to upload consistently is to have an organized schedule and to use my extra free time to edit my recently-filmed videos. I have a planner and I plan out each hour of my day. I also use my extra time to engage with my fans.

Q: I watched your viral video of the pilot simulation.

  1. Could you explain the objective of the game?
  2. What are the most interesting features?

A: The game is a flight simulator similar to the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or the X-plane 11. The objective to more or less have fun or entertain yourself. It is a more advanced game in Roblox terms. There are a lot of complicated controls. It comes down to having a hobby (interest), like I do with aviation. I think one of the most interesting features is how everything is made so well by the developers. The recent updates like crosswinds, snow, and textures are genuinely very cool, as the developers put a lot of time into simulating how it feels to fly in real life.

Q: I noticed you have an online community of 300 people on Discord and almost 3,000 on YouTube. How do you use your platform to spread information about the game and to connect with people?

A: This is something my team and I have been working on. Currently, we are mainly doing entertaining videos like showing the newest updates. We are also trying to spread more information about aviation in general by working on a talk show (similar to the Late Night show). We are considering introducing more popular YouTubers who play similar games or even developers of the games. We might also teach people about interesting aviation news. In the end, it’s just a platform where we can enjoy our hobbies and help other people interested in aviation have fun! The podcast is something we hope to pioneer for the Roblox genre, since it is uncommon.

Q: Dandan, a co-owner of NexStream, mentioned that you have some interest in machine learning. How was your interest in machine learning sparked?

A: It wasn’t specifically sparked by aviation gaming. I was interested in the usages of machine learning all over the world. For instance, planes have AI systems that allow them to function semi-autonomously, which is really cool to me. Google developing self-driving cars is another example. The endless technical applications that really sparked my learning, because I realized that it can essentially be used anywhere.

Q: How is this Roblox pilot simulator related to machine learning?

A: Roblox is a great game to spark coding, AI, and machine learning interest. In addition to playing, there are also developmental opportunities. For example, Roblox Studio operates in the LUA coding language. You can implement codes and AI to configure aspects of the game. Machine learning allows the game to be changed and made more realistic.

Q: What is some advice you would give someone who’s just starting to develop their YouTube channel? Would you say it is useful to have a team?

A: A lot of people want an internet presence, or perhaps a YouTube presence. I have few pieces of advice. Firstly, keep it consistent. Even though we are busy with school and all, consistency in posting remains a priority. For instance, we try to get a video out within three days of a new update. This way, you can capture audience attention. Find the time to edit, even with a busy schedule. Secondly, editing is an important skill. It can also be applied to other things. For instance, making thumbnails for YouTube can be carried over to making PowerPoints for school. Overall, I’ve become a much better learner as I’ve found hacks online. For instance, I use Canva for both my thumbnails and my PowerPoints. Thirdly, engage with your audience. Reply to comments often and reply to viewers’ DMs. This way, you may be able to create a long-term fan or subscriber.

Lastly, a team helps a lot. Whenever I need clips, I ask my team to work together to create them. This way, I can edit them and splice them together. We also have mock debates to determine the general direction of the channel’s future.

Q: Since you’re so interested in aviation and machine learning, have you ever thought about going into the STEM field? For example, possibly game development or engineering actual airplanes?

A: In my future, I want to do something machine learning related. But I’m also interested in entrepreneurship and business. I hope to connect these interests into a major.

Thank you to Max for talking about his process of running his YouTube channel, time management, connectivity (with both his team and his subscribers), and his future ambitions.



NexStream Technical Institute

At NexStream, we strive to provide a next-generation educational experience in Computer Science, Technology, Engineering, and Applied Math.